Monday, June 30, 2014

I Wrote This Blog With My Thumbs...

...while sitting in the doctor's office. (No, not the doctor's office where I work. The one where I'm currently sitting and waiting.)

By the way, I upgraded my phone last weekend, because my stepson's phone had died. So he got my iPhone4S, which was and still is a fine device, and I got a new Samsung Galaxy S5. It was my first venture outside Apple's smartphone range in five years.

Chief among the differences is that the screen of the new phone is freaking huge. Which makes the part of this work that I do on my phone, namely review, revision, and some bits of furious writing, much easier. Thank you, Samsung.

Something I find myself doing as I get further into the story is having to decide which plot thread to pick up next. I have three main bits going, defined by three main characters (or sets of characters) that were set forth in the first few chapters, but it takes a bit of finesse to figure out which one to work on next. Because while I feel I have a pretty good idea of what's happening everywhere right now, it makes my own life easier if I prioritize the three as I go. Or will make my life easier, once I'm done with the first draft.

Oh, and:

Day 34
Today's word count: 1,291
Overall word count: 38,091

Thanks for reading!

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