Wednesday, June 25, 2014

OH SHIT, said the monks.

Day 29
Today's word count: 1,746
Overall word count: 32,355

Yesterday I said that writing this story feels like riding a roller coaster. Also, my story has yellow-robed monks in it. Therefore, I offer up this photo without comment:

I'm still very much rocking and rolling down the track. I know what's happening, but I'm frankly too exhausted to type any more of it out coherently tonight. Which means tomorrow will probably be an even bigger day than today. I know ol' Steve King gets out 2,000 words a day, but I have a day job, y'know? On some days, my brain is already half-fried by the time I sit down to write.

Further concerns include my characters. I don't think I have much, really, in the way of purely good girls/guys and purely bad girls/guys. I mean, I've already mentioned that my protagonist is an asshole. I'm trying to have people, with plausible thoughts and wants, whether they're the most loathsome characters, or really sweet individuals who have been pulled into the plot by forces beyond their control. But I do wonder if my good guys are good enough, and my bad guys are bad enough.

I'm considering posting a few passages or short chapters here on this blog, earlier ones that I feel pretty solid about.

Until next time, thanks for reading! Nobody is commenting except for my good friend Joe, but I can see from the Google analytics that people are reading. Assuming that not all of you are bots...hello!


  1. >I'm considering posting a few passages or short chapters here on this blog

    Not a good idea, if I may say so. They might attract comments that will interfere with your idea of the characters, or weaken the absurd self-confidence needed to write fiction. You may also change your mind about those passages as the work proceeds.

    PS I am following this blog pretty well daily, though my broadband is on the blink and I may go dark at any time :-)

    PPS Have you thought of activating the "Followers" widget in Blogger? Then people could let you know they're following without feeling the need to comment.

    PPS You might want to check out the stats you can get by installing StatCounter.

    1. Richard, as an expert, I will take your advice regarding the sharing. Your reasons make perfect sense. Thank you!

      As far as the "Followers" widget and StatCounter go, I had not known such things existed! The black and white, utterly unadorned state of this blog is an indication of my level of sophistication. I will now go and seek them out. Thanks a second and a third time!
