Friday, June 20, 2014

Both Sides Now

Day 24
Today's word count: 1,456
Overall word count: 27,427

A good, strong day. Hit it, Joni.

Formatted as I have it (and I'm aiming for about the same words-per-page ratio as a book), I'm on page 113. That's halfway to the end of a short novel, a third of the way to the end of a decently-sized one, a quarter or a fifth of the way to the end of a long one. I let my wife read the manuscript so far, and she scoffed at the idea that I could be halfway done at this point. I agree. Big world, big story. I've totally bitten off more than I can chew here. Yet I keep grinding out the pages, and I think they're pretty good so far.

One thing I did today is retell a scene from earlier in the story, only this time from the point of view of one of the other characters who was there. I didn't really intend to, but it just came out. I really, really like it, but my head is so far up the ass of this story that I have zero perspective. I have no idea whether it's actually cool, or just ham-handed. The task of determining that will fall to the people I ask to read the first draft, once it's done.

Take care! Thanks for reading.

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