Day 28
Today's word count: 1,130
Overall word count: 30,609
Well, the wymynz be done talkin, for the moment at any rate. And more things are about to happen.
OMG OMG OMG I'm excited for people to read this. I felt today as though I were in that autopilot mode where I knew exactly what was going to happen, what needed to happen, and the only thing I had to worry about was getting it typed out properly. That's the fun part of all this.
Thinking about it now, writing this book feels like a roller coaster.
There's the part where I'm thinking about the world, the characters, and the situations. What happens now? What should happen now? What's plausible? And how would people react to it? That's the hard part. Those are the days where I squeeze out 300 words. That's where the roller coaster is ratcheting itself up the track: k-chack, k-chack, k-chack, k-chack, k-chack, k-chack, k-chack, k-chack, k-chack, k-chack, k-chack, k-chack, k-chack, k-chack, k-chack, k-chack, k-chack, k-chack, k-chack, k-chack, k-chack, k-chack, k-chack, k-chack, k-chack, k-chack, k-chack, k-chack, k-chack, k-chack, k-chack, k-chack, k-chack, k-chack, k-chack, k-chack, k-chack, k-chack, k-chack, k-chack, k-chack, k-chack...
And then there are the days where there's a flash of insight, of inspiration, where I see clearly what is going to happen next. And it's awful, or awesome, or hilarious or badass. Days where I effortlessly toss off 1000, or 2000 or 3000 or 4000 words, and the only concern is my 70 WPM fingers keeping up with a brain that is not only 100+ WPM, but has also been working on this all day while the rest of me was in meetings. And it feels like the first big drop on a roller coaster: hands in the air, screaming, adrenaline up, knowing cognitively that everything's going to work out fine, but being freaked out and exhilarated all at once.
And, much like a roller coaster, even the so-called hard part is pretty cool. I just hope there's someone at the end, trying to sell me a grainy photo of myself writing for $8.00.
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